Spring Broccoli Rabe


Plant in fall for winter and spring harvests. Fast-growing, tender shoots & large leaves are delicious with garlic & olive oil or fresh in salads.


  • Super easy to grow from seed

  • Nutritious, delicious, versatile shoots can be prepared a number of ways in the kitchen.

  • Large, tender, abundant leaves borne on thin stems with delicate buds.

  • Broccoli Raabs give you the best opportunity to enjoy that broccoli flavor in tender shoot form that squirrels can’t easily devastate.

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Planting Information: Sow indoors, or direct sow in outdoor beds ¼” deep after temps are below 850. Seedlings should be ready to transplant in 3-4 weeks. Direct Sow: ½” deep, 18” apart. Harvest when shoots are about the size of a quarter round. Harvest 6” lengths.. 12 seeds.

Brassica rapa var. ruvo PLANT HEIGHT: 24-36” PLANT WIDTH: 12” SEED SPACING: 18” SEED DEPTH: ½” IDEAL TEMP: 750 GERMINATION: 10-12 days DAYS TO MATURITY: 42 SOIL: Well-composted, well-draining LIGHT: Full Sun
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