The Joy Max Library is a resource for Garden & Kitchen how-to’s & advice. If you are looking for specific information about a seed selection, search for it in the box below or visit the product page for growing advice.
Growing Guide: Swallowtail Butterfly Host Plant Herb Collection
These aren't just herbs—they're butterfly nurseries. Everything you need to know to get the most out of this collection
The Joy Max Guide to Raising Swallowtail Butterflies
Join the secret society of butterfly midwives
Why Rainwater is Good for your Garden
Why rain perks up your garden so much more than devoted efforts with your hose
How to Get Gardening Now, (No Digging Required)
Get growing quickly with the Joy Max No Till Method
How to Refrigerator Pickle like a Pro
The quick and easy way to pickle your garden harvests.
How to Recover from a Hard Freeze
What to do after a historic, devastating freeze like that of 2021, or just a regular hard freeze. Nourish, hydrate, and wait.
Frost-Proof Your Garden: The Chill Guide to Plant Protection
What do you do when the forecast says it won’t just be freezing, but potentially much. much colder? How to prepare your garden for a hard freeze and near-zero temperatures.
The Joy Max Guide to Growing Tomatoes from Seed
The Joy Max guide to growing tomatoes from seed in Central Texas or Zone 8b.
Common Tomato Problems and How to Solve Them
Why are your healthy tomato plants not producing the harvests you’ve dreamed of?
Multi-Purpose Joy Max Soap Spray
An easy-to-make garden spray to control pests and control powdery mildew
Texas Native Pollinator Garden
Joy Max perennial pollinator plants to create lasting structure and interest to your landscape while also attracting bees and other beneficial insects.
How to Grow Zinnias
Everything you need to know to grow zinnias, the ultimate summer flower.
Joy Max Bunker Crops
JMJ’s recommendations for edible plants that are medicinal, beautiful, and easy-to-grow.
Container Gardening
Want to get that garden started yesterday? Containers are the easiest and quickest way to get growing.