Provider Bush Snap Bean


The easy-to-grow classic green bean starts producing a harvest in just 50 days. It can also be planted earlier than other beans as it germinates well in cool soils. It also does well in heat. Stringless, delicious, and if you can’t eat them well, they freeze wonderfully.


  • You will have BEANS this spring and summer. Provider lives up to its name with massive harvests of 5"–8" long, rounded, straight pods made easy-to-reach with the sturdy, smaller bush plants.

  • Other than fava, no other bean does as well in cool soils. You can plant them early and get an early harvest. Plant succession sowings to keep them coming.

  • Great disease resistance to bean common mosaic virus (NY15), pod mottle virus, and mildew.

  • Beans are a win-win since they take nitrogen from the air and fix it into the soil, improving it for future crops.

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The easy-to-grow classic green bean starts producing a harvest in just 50 days. It can also be planted earlier than other beans as it germinates well in cool soils. It also does well in heat. Stringless, delicious, and if you can’t eat them well, they freeze wonderfully.


  • You will have BEANS this spring and summer. Provider lives up to its name with massive harvests of 5"–8" long, rounded, straight pods made easy-to-reach with the sturdy, smaller bush plants.

  • Other than fava, no other bean does as well in cool soils. You can plant them early and get an early harvest. Plant succession sowings to keep them coming.

  • Great disease resistance to bean common mosaic virus (NY15), pod mottle virus, and mildew.

  • Beans are a win-win since they take nitrogen from the air and fix it into the soil, improving it for future crops.

The easy-to-grow classic green bean starts producing a harvest in just 50 days. It can also be planted earlier than other beans as it germinates well in cool soils. It also does well in heat. Stringless, delicious, and if you can’t eat them well, they freeze wonderfully.


  • You will have BEANS this spring and summer. Provider lives up to its name with massive harvests of 5"–8" long, rounded, straight pods made easy-to-reach with the sturdy, smaller bush plants.

  • Other than fava, no other bean does as well in cool soils. You can plant them early and get an early harvest. Plant succession sowings to keep them coming.

  • Great disease resistance to bean common mosaic virus (NY15), pod mottle virus, and mildew.

  • Beans are a win-win since they take nitrogen from the air and fix it into the soil, improving it for future crops.

Planting Information: Start transplants indoors 6 weeks prior to planting out or direct seed once temps are 70º.

Direct seed (recommended): Plant seeds 1/4” deep, 2-3 seeds per inch. Firm soil over the seeds. Thin to a final spacing of 8”-12” apart to produce healthy, full plants.

Transplant: Sow indoors 6 weeks prior to setting out. Plant 1/4” deep and keep at 70ºF (21ºC) for best germination. Transplant to the field when seedlings have 3-4 sets of leaves.

Phaseolus vulgaris PLANT HEIGHT / WIDTH: 16"–18" tall & wide SEED SPACING: 1 seed every 4" in rows 2' apart PLANT SPACING: 12" GERM: 6-12 days IDEAL TEMP: 75-85°F DAYS TO MATURITY: 50 SOIL: well-drained LIGHT: Full Sun