Joy Max Giant Zinnia Mix
Zinnias are the MVPs of the summer garden. This seed mix includes six big, beautiful colors. So easy to grow you will be a fan for life. If you live in a scorching summer like Texas, planting them in some afternoon shade will help them through the hottest days.
THE must-grow summer flower. If you’ve never grown flowers from seed before, this is the gateway drug. Zinnias are so easy to grow, and while they do have a few challenges later in their growth cycle, you’ll be able to overcome them with just a little TLC.
This flower can take the heat although you will need to water it frequently in the summer if you want lush, healthy flowers through multiple 100℉ days.
Large 3-6” blooms in six bright & punchy varieties: Orange King, Cherry Queen, Violet Queen, Polar Bear, Canary Bird, and Pink Luminosa.
Open-Pollinated. When plants start to look spent, let the last flowers dry out and collect the seeds for next year.
Zinnias are the MVPs of the summer garden. This seed mix includes six big, beautiful colors. So easy to grow you will be a fan for life. If you live in a scorching summer like Texas, planting them in some afternoon shade will help them through the hottest days.
THE must-grow summer flower. If you’ve never grown flowers from seed before, this is the gateway drug. Zinnias are so easy to grow, and while they do have a few challenges later in their growth cycle, you’ll be able to overcome them with just a little TLC.
This flower can take the heat although you will need to water it frequently in the summer if you want lush, healthy flowers through multiple 100℉ days.
Large 3-6” blooms in six bright & punchy varieties: Orange King, Cherry Queen, Violet Queen, Polar Bear, Canary Bird, and Pink Luminosa.
Open-Pollinated. When plants start to look spent, let the last flowers dry out and collect the seeds for next year.
Zinnias are the MVPs of the summer garden. This seed mix includes six big, beautiful colors. So easy to grow you will be a fan for life. If you live in a scorching summer like Texas, planting them in some afternoon shade will help them through the hottest days.
THE must-grow summer flower. If you’ve never grown flowers from seed before, this is the gateway drug. Zinnias are so easy to grow, and while they do have a few challenges later in their growth cycle, you’ll be able to overcome them with just a little TLC.
This flower can take the heat although you will need to water it frequently in the summer if you want lush, healthy flowers through multiple 100℉ days.
Large 3-6” blooms in six bright & punchy varieties: Orange King, Cherry Queen, Violet Queen, Polar Bear, Canary Bird, and Pink Luminosa.
Open-Pollinated. When plants start to look spent, let the last flowers dry out and collect the seeds for next year.
Everything you need to get growing…