Benary’s Giant Mix Zinnia
The show-stopping royalty of the summer garden. This is a seed mix from a famous German seed company in twelve possible gorgeous colors. So easy to grow you will be a fan for life. Heirloom.
THE must-grow summer flower. If you’ve never grown flowers from seed before, this is the gateway drug. It’s so easy to grow, and while it does have a few challenges later in its growth cycle, you’ll be able to overcome them with just a little maintenance
This flower can take the heat although you will need to water it frequently if you want lush, healthy flowers through nultiple 100℉ days.
Large 3-6” blooms in punchy, bright or dramatically deep colors: white, yellow, orange, candy pink, hot pink, lilac, purple, wine, rose, scarlet, coral, and lime.
Open-Pollinated. When plants start to look spent, let the last flowers dry out and collect the seeds for next year.
Planting Information: Direct sow when temps are above 70° or sow indoors before last frost date. Transplant in 2-3 weeks or ó” tall, 12-16” apart. Pinch to create sturdier plants.