Planting Information: Direct sow California poppy seeds into prepared seed beds that have been cleared of weeds and have had the top 1 in. of soil loosened with a good rake scratching. Rake seed in. Press into soil by walking over the area. Keep moist until germination.
Seeds should be direct sown as poppies do not transplant well. Scatter seeds and rake in lightly. ✧ It may take up to 30 days for the seeds to sprout, and you need to keep the surface area moist until then for best gemination. When 2” tall, thin to 1 every 8”. In climates with mild winters, sow seeds in the fall for spring blooms. Keep seeds and seedlings moist but not water-logged until established, and reduce watering. While poppies are drought tolerant in general, an occasional soaking can boost blooming.