The 2022 Fall Seed Collection Grow Guide

Joy Max Jardin Fall Seed Collection 2022 Envelope Artwork

This is the library of how-to’s for the 2022 Fall Seed Collection!

You can go through crop by crop for growing instructions, tips & tricks. Some of my blanket advice for fall gardeners:

1. Early on, get some frost cloth for those sudden cold snaps. You’ll be more likely to protect your garden if you don’t have to suddenly procure frost protection when everyone else is doing the same thing.

2. Keep all your seeds moist until they germinate then keep moisture consistent (exception being poppies and alyssum which require less water.) Cool season crops need more water than warm season to flourish but most have shallow roots that don’t require the quantity of water that summer crops do.

3. Crops need to harden off for at least a week when transplanted. If we get another warm December like 2021, crops like lettuce and carrots that usually do fine in cold snaps, will need protection as they will not have the time to adjust to cold that comes on suddenly, all the more reason to have that frost cloth handy.